What Kinds of Shoes? For How Long?

Q: This 76 year old kid skips now and then in his driveway. Question(s): regular running shoes ok for skipping? Do they wear out fast because of skipping (in running, it was the heels of course that worn down). any ideas on how far “your people”–skippers tend to go (distance) for a decent workout? thanks. skippy

A: Dear Skippy, Yes, I’ve found regular running shoes work best for skipping..I try to find extra thick soles though…The balls of your feet will wear out faster than normal if you skip a lot….That is, of course, until we convince a shoe company to support the skipping cause by designing us our own shoes. 🙂

As far as how long you need to skip to get a good workout…it really varies. Some people primarly walk and then incorporate skipping bursts for variety and to get their heart rate up…Others walk a block, skip a block, run a block, walk a block…..Skipping on the treadmill at the gym is also fun…I ususally set the pace at a brisk walking speed (4.2 or so) and ease into skipping a mile or two. Sometimes I skip a minute, walk a minute, skip a minute walk a minute.

Then there are the hard core skippers of the world! Ashirta Furman is training to set a Guiness World Record for skipping the fastest marathon. He skips for 15-20 miles at a time when he is training. He even had to create a plastic toe piece to go over his shoes because he was skipping so much and going through them so fast!

2 thoughts on “What Kinds of Shoes? For How Long?

  • April 25, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    I recently started skipping and I started out with just a pair of casual sneakers and had bad shin pain. So I set out to find a pair of decent shoes and it was recommended at the time that cross trainers are best; so I purchased the Asics Gel Spree Cross Trainer — but I’m still getting shin splint pain. Do you have a favourite pair of shoes for jump rope? I’m also kinda vain in that I don’t like to look dorky in my running shoes (aka they have to be functional yet fashionable). Thank-you so much for taking the time to make a recommendation.

  • April 28, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Congrats on starting down the skipping path! It sounds like you are doing rope skipping, which isn’t what this site is primarily about (we just skip happily from point a to point b) so I am not sure what the best shoes for jump rope might be. I wonder, though, if you are stretching before you skip? That helps with the none rope skipping kind as far as shin splint pain goes!

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